

I used to sing along to 5'5" with brown eyes with so much pride, until I realised I may just be A 4'5" without my heels on. I used to base my career on what others said I would be. No one said I would be a doctor, a teacher, a singer, a poet, a survivor until now. Lord, All these possibilities, options, choices #pickone for me. I have all these things I strive to be and they barely reflect the passion that is within me. I know I don't need to be the top of my class, i no longer feel the need to impress upon others, my intelligence haha. I feel I already did that and a few people bought it. In some people's books, i am etched as the smart one. But now I minimize that idea, without any effort at all. In some circles, i am the religious one because I pray, i encourage, i bless, i read, i lead but i really don't always have my quiet time or read the Bible. I actually round up most of my day in unproductiveness and star gazing rather than praise, prayer and worship. Others may see an Afrocentric girl who likes the African jewellery, music, attires but I admire Gucci and Manolos too. (I have an eye for shoes and a purse that doesn't do my taste any credit).
I want to be famous for something but I feel that is selfish of me to think that because the things that the Lord has made me concerned about, can only humble me, rather than propel me into a world where I can be celebrated...Should God put me onto such a platform, will I celebrate Him or will I be torn apart under the bright lights?..But imagine, how great it would be if i actually remained decent, God filled, yet on a bigger budget and more exposure for whatever Greatness that has been impressed upon me.? Well, its pretty dormant right now (this greatness), though.
I wish I could put my finger on it. Figure out what I need to tap into so I can release an outflow of my blessings in the manner I was intended to. 'God doesn't give you a dream to taunt you' as i have heard so maybe I really will not be average for ever...
If you are Tired of feeling ordinary today....Please know that (as God just told me after my rambling) You don't always have to look outward-to other people and their situations- to see where you could be in the future or where you think you should be now. You can look at all the matters of you and wonder with excitement about where it will all lead. Remember that the Hands that made you can take you anywhere and through anything. And this is the ultimate purpose- that you voyage with God.
Sidebar: What is the purpose of water?
Water provides a balance in the body – homeostasis. It provides an absorption of the water-soluble substances, transportation of the nutritive to the target cells and the excretion of waste products of the metabolisms of the body (http://www.weightlossunit.com/Pages/Healthy_eating_articles/role_of_water_in_human_body.html)
Now when Jesus says He is the water of life, and if we drink from Him, we will no longer thirst basically means that His purpose would be to bring to our systems all those things that are God-soluble: i.e. things approved by the Lord that are noble, righteous, good, peaceful, joyful, full of love etc.....He will take them to all the areas of our lives where they are needed....then take all the foulness, crazy, played out, destructive crap out. Wow, so I need to take a sip of Jesus clearly for all the above reasons, I guess.
LovePrayerBlessings upon all your lives so that the Water that gives you life everlasting may do what it needs to do, so you can be who you need to be...



MeNtaL cLoSuRe

I just need a break thats all. I need to be about a few important things before I get involved in a lot of things.

Love you too much Ordinaros

C Ya L8R

PS. I am not depressed. I just need to be still for a minute so I can let God be God.


World AIDS Day 2009

Words cannot describe the joy I feel as i commemorate this day...Is it a holiday? No! A birthday? No. It’s the day I get to think of all the loved ones I have lost to this disease. Today is the day where I get to fight it through spoken word, through actions and advice.

I can tell the people I care about to be wary of their actions, I can say CONDOMISE, without feeling embarrassed. I can say husbands- love only your wives and have sex only with your wives. I can say women submit only to your husbands sexually. Of course, there are other matters to be discussed about faithfulness and loyalty but not today....these things are not up for discussion, they are only UP FOR ACTION.

I know of men and women who may have begun having sex in their early teens/whenever...today is not the day for judging anyone, it’s the day for saying- Be wise, protect yourself and protect your lover. I know people who have one night stands- today is for saying, if you are not sure what they are carrying in their pockets, you can’t know what they have in their bodies- PROTECT YOURSELF.

I know of pregnant women who are HIV positive- this is not the day to be afraid but to receive information on drugs like Nevirapine, information about prevention from Mother- to-Child. This is a day to see that there are many children who have been born Virus free because of these drugs and are living long healthy lives.

I know of people who have cheated in their marriages/relationships and contracted the disease. This is a day to tell you that hospitals, clinics have information on ARVs and proper diet plans to help you live a happy healthy life.

I know of people who think WHY BOTHER if they are going to die anyway- this is a most beautiful day to tell you, you can talk to someone: a doctor, a friend, a therapist, the Lord, a priest- because HIV/AIDS is not frowned upon anymore. People have loads of information so they will not discriminate against you. There are ways to break habits without breaking your spirit so LISTEN today.

I know of young teens who are thinking- to have SEX or NOT to have sex- try to abstain. Draw from resources of how others have managed to stay celibate even when they have boyfriends or girlfriends...today is the day to ASK and SPEAK about it.

I know of people who contracted the virus through drug use...this is the day to find out where to get new unused syringes. Those who prostitute, find out how to be more careful when turning tricks or even how to get an income without turning tricks. This is the day.

To a child playing amongst his/her friends knowing he is different from others because he is carrying HIV. There is hope and there are treatments so you can have a wonderful healthy full life.

To the child who thinks they can only watch their parents die because they are infected, today is the day when people are shoving information about forgiveness, hope, love and treatments for your family. You only need to get one pamphlet, in fact grab them all. There's no shame in knowing too much.

For each person-today is a day to celebrate awareness, life and refreshed hope.

God Bless you all Ordinaros
