
Yippee, I got an award!

So here's the rules and regulations of the award:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.

2. Tell us 7 things about yourself which people may not know.

3. Award 15 other bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and let them know that they have won (oh my how will I find the time to do this...).

Thank you GG for nominating me for this award. I am so honoured, yes yes ladies and gentlemen.....this is an honour I do not take for granted....

And here are 7 things about me.....

1. I used to be a ‘closeted feminist’ until recently. When I came out, I lost the title as well as I realised how unfair my stance was. I think it is because I have three sisters and plenty girl cousins and I have always been so loyal and protective of them (as the tomboy in the family). I am wiser now and am on the ‘pray for one, pray for all’ wagon. This means I have extended my duty of care to their male counterparts, my male siblings and male friends ~it is quite an eye-opener and NB: my definition of feminist is probably ‘’can’t really be bothered about men’s emotions-except my late grandfather’s who was my most fave male in the world!’’

2. Like my counterpart GG, I loathe snakes as well. Before 2011, I couldn’t even stand seeing them on tv. I would scream and run out the room or jump around on my tip-toes as I envisioned them on the floor. Now, I have resolved not to scream but I literally give myself a pat on the back (or a fist bump) if I don’t. I still can’t eat snake lollies though. In about 20 years, I want to have a picture taken with a snake just to prove that I have overcome my fear. 20 years!!!! i have use the word snake 4 times in this paragraph, this is record-breaking because I couldn’t even say the word and now I am thinking it....wow!

3. I love weddings! Almost obsessed with them. I think I want to get married just so I can have a wedding of my own..... #truestory

4. TV addict and tea addict! Yes, when I have no work, put me in front of a tv and you never have to feed me, listen to me or talk to me, none of those things. Tea addict! When I make a cup of tea, I just grin with excitement, anticipating my first sip. (i get it from my granpa but I m sure his tea was caffeine-free because he was SDA).

5. I am a lazy shopper and a bargain hunter but never at the same time so one can imagine how frustrating it is to shop with me. Either I leave the store with nothing after a good hour because everything is so expensive or with all things because I can’t be bothered to keep looking...

6. In 2010, I got my Masters degree,  got baptised and employed in the space of 3 months. I feel so blessed to be where I am and to be God's daughter. He really has laid a table out for me in front of my enemies. He has made them my footstool (yes diablo, i speak to you). My recent saying (like 2 minutes ago-recent) is now ''its not what you believe that gets you places, its Who you believe in".
7. I love children. Aside from my addictions, I think I am in mini-heaven when I am hanging with people under 13. I love the silly games and I love their laughs and their fresh insight on things. Like one child I babysat, she used to say “upstairs and downstairs” every time she picked her nose and brought the bogies down. I found it funny and still do.

I would like to take this opportunity to pass on my award to......(in no particular order of course)
  1. Rita
  2. Meet Mutsa
  3. Vimbai
  4. Jaycee
  5. Rainjoy
  6. Tres enchante
  7. Kookie
  8. Grip
  9. MBLS
  10. Aphro Phro
  11. Living Life Like its Golden
  12. Zimblackrose
  13. Blogoratti
  14. The Christian Woman blog
  15. Di
It will probably take me years to notify these people but I 'll get there...I hope (my mom was in labour with me for 72 hours so I do take my time in most things). So if you happen to see I have given you an award while surfing my blog, please please begin your list and acknowledgements now...this bizmess takes long but you all wonderful writers so I am pretty sure it won't take long....



Psalms, Hymns & Songs

Its Wednesday in Lesotho. I am between writing a report and not-sure-what-next-after-that. All the while I am listening to this blessing of a song entitled “Lamb of God”. It has made me think how difficult I find it to be unmoved or untouched by songs about God and Jesus. (truth be told, sometimes I am moved to action, other times to guilt/regret etc). Something is always awakened in me: a reminder of my journey to date; expectations about my future; even my fears and concern come to plead their plight when I hear the songs about my Father. Sometimes, I wonder if it is the instruments which are orchestrated in such a way to evoke such feelings and thoughts....then I think of the words that are being used and wonder still whether they are strategically chosen like a marketing tool to encourage album sales or to convert people to Christianity......BUT the truth is God’s word is a like a double-edged sword separating spirit and soul. It breaks apart what most people can’t even differentiate. More often than not our education, vast experiences will stand at the doors of our minds with barriers of scepticism/cynicism prohibiting the words of songs to minister to us. These words which are singing prayers, praise and worship to the Only Being Who loved us enough to give His son up to death and to raise Him up from death to sit at His right hand. This Being Who offers us the same inheritance if we just STOP HARDENING OUR HEARTS and HEAR HIM and FOLLOW HIM. This life with all its flashy news reports, political slogans and campaigns, breaking headlines, billboards, shoe labels, car labels, blacklabels, corona labels blah blah which convince us so easily to change our minds, direction and pursuits YET this song about Jesus Christ is going unheard, failing to move you, failing to speak to you, failing to bring you to your knees in worship, failing to make you open your eyes and see, failing to make you cry at the realisation of the magnitude of who God is and what Jesus did, failing to make you change......Harden not your hearts people! Where your mind goes, your heart and body tend to follow~ what a man thinketh in his heart, he is also (Prov 23.7). 
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Ephesians 5.19