At the minute, there’s a family of 3: parents and their son. SO they are a ‘colourful’ (mix-raced) family as the son indicated in our first proper conversation. All the others have been me screaming when he puts his head around the door because I’m just not used to guy’s voices or me telling him to ‘go smoke over there’. Anyway ladies, there’s a good man in there who is also looking to be right with himself, God (but doesn’t fully know it yet) and the right woman. Prayers please! So since I have adopted his mom because she cooks so well, he is my brother so nothing there much to my relief because if anyone knows me well enough from reading my blog or otw...I am a recovering ‘colourful’ addict. yuuuup! So he is my brother! She’s my mother and dad is papa of course. One big happy family. An interesting fact I just found out...this brings absolute joy to my heart: my mummy converted from Islam to Christianity when she met papa. Her first husband passed away about 20 years ago. Anyway these two are the craziest lovebirds ever...seriously if I could put pictures or the videos of the crazy shenanigans they get up to....unbeweavable!!!!
Oh my bad! My ‘big little sister’s mum and granma live here as well so we have two mummies and a granma. How blessed am I! We have cats too but am struggling to count them as anything other than flea carriers so maybe in due course, we could be family (don’t hold your breath on that one!)
I have another non b&b family and wow...they are Zimbabwean too and we have been family friends for ages so our blackgrounds are quite similar and their arms are wide open to receive me every weekend. So (without disclosing too much) I love them but I hate that I have to wait till the weekend to see them because they are my ‘peoples’ you know. We speak the same language; are used to the same foods, laugh at nearly the same things. Yes, I won’t say anything else about them because they may actually read this...see what I mean about being the same. I doubt that any of the other people even know my last name or have my facebook id that they could link this post back to me.... but they might. That’s family right? Prayers for them too as they brave this lovely peaceful country that they have to call home.
So I have learnt that home is where you lay your head to rest; a place you always anticipate returning to; a place you can be comfortable and express yourself with laughter and tears; where you can cook in heels and shorts without worrying about being looked at funny; a place where you expect to love and be loved......this is my home for now. I am learning to accept it. Like Jacob,I am fighting for my blessing still; Like Esther, I am being prepared to be sufficient for my King and my king and our little princesses/princes hehe; Like Peter, I am often chastened; Like Thomas, I doubt too and like Abraham, I am still expectant (so far the only surprise visitor I have had is Aunt Flo but I keep looking at the gate to see if someone I know is there) and my faith is being grown...
(On a personal note, I wonder if Sarah felt like she was blessed before Isaiah. She could see the blessings surrounding her: a good and faithful man who spoke with God, the wealth, God’s promises to them etc....sigh! time for an icecream I know I am blessed. I know it. I am in God’s sight all day and no harm befalls me and I have a job, my salvation, my health, income, friends. What I do not have with me must not stop me from experiencing the fruits of these blessings. My mind knows this to be true. I just wish my emotions would get with the program).
Anyway till soon
BTW: Where is Rainyjoy??????