
unpaCKing- Exes

1. We dated on/off for six years and even today if i think about him/even dream (idontknowYistilldream about him). …he calls or emails… telePAT HETIC! But its true, I think we will be connected beyond time. He has a gorgeous wife and two children whom he never told me about until a year ago sooo I wouldn’t take him back if the sun begged me.

2. I STALKED him and i pity the fool because back then, I had ENERGY, all that Keri Hilson-all of my energy business. I put it into getting him back. Like those bulldozers nothing would stand in my way. I fought others and him and myself that year. Of course, if you want to put your best foot forward to get a man back, don’t let it be your Psycho Terminator Foot! Needless to say, i finally got over him in the most ‘unconventional’ way by yep i said it…by getting under. I pray for him still, but I don’t reckon we can have a decent conversation again. Or we could…WHEN WE ARE FIFTY!

3. No WAY! U know when you trying to get back with someone only you think, its not getting them back, you think you are STILL in a relationship, then you find out that they had already broken up with you and you are now in BOOTY zone. Huh? He pulled a fast neat one on me..so i unpacked him a long time ago but it most definitely hurt for a while.

4. Final Ex-Straw. I messed up! I should never have ventured there. I had this Peter Pan image of him that he would grow up to be a really pleasant, fun and lovingme kind of guy. That he wouldn’t even change. Now i see he is just A guy…he is from the mal-communication non-commitant unconsciously-manipulative bloodline!

5. My Ex-files have been unloaded now. No more venturing backwards! Real love can only bring you to a place of learning and acceptance. Honestly, I think if i had never loved these people I would never have learntAthing…i would be bitter, offlove itself and be really destructive. But I did love them, SO I can walk away with my head held high and my eyes focused on G. If a man happens to walk up to me from the horizon, I have to ask him to step a little to the left and come at me from the side, because nothing should obstruct my G-view EVER again coz that’s how i get when in L. I rearrange my thoughts, personality, compromise my spirituality and standards for WHAT? A-soon-2-B-Ex.! No more VIP for you lot!

Next come, next served. (No more first come, first served).



Nefertiti said...

This is an important mindset. You remind of K. I read this much earlier in my life when I was younger and stooopid. But oh well. It's all good. Will be adding you to my blog roll.

Welcome again!

Nefertiti said...

Errr *I wish I read this...*

Tendayi said...

thank you, we are never young n stupid, are we? just young!:)hehe