

 I am off healing because I recently acknowledged that I am a little broken! The heart appears to break when very important components are torn from it....like hope, love and faith. And I know I can't deal or even exist without the fullness of these so I will be gone for a while.....Hopefully I get restored as soon as poss....well as soon as is necessary. I hate to say it but Lord, take as long as it needs...(secretly hoping it won't be that long but hey i guess that will be dealt with too). You can go around telling the world your problems but if you don't tell the right Person...its pointless especially if He knows clearly that something's up. So ....

healing, peace and love to you all!

Till then....

1 comment:

Living Life Like It's Golden said...

I'll keep you in my prayers! Take all the time you need..hugs :)